Configuration and Utility Events

AvailablePinPads Callback

When getAvailablePinPads() has been successfully called, the Payment Device SDK fires a onAvailablePinPads callback when the update is finished with the result of the request. The result will contain a collection of PIN pads that are paired with the mobile device.
Methods to add or remove callback delegate in ChipDnaMobile:

void addAvailablePinPadsListener(  
	AvailablePinPadsListener listener  
void removeAvailablePinPadsListener(  
	AvailablePinPadsListener listener  
void addAvailablePinPadsTarget:(id)self 
void removeAvailablePinPadsTarget:(id)self;

ConnectAndConfigureFinished Callback

When connectAndConfigure() has been successfully called, the Payment Device SDK fires a connectAndConfigureFinished event with the result of the request. This event will always be fired and the parameters will contain data to indicate if the SDK is ready to process transactions. If unsuccessful, the parameters will contain the errors encountered.
Methods to add or remove callback delegate in ChipDnaMobile:

void addConnectAndConfigureFinishedListener(  
ConnectAndConfigureFinishedListener listener  
void removeConnectAndConfigureFinishedListener(  
ConnectAndConfigureFinishedListener listener  
void addConnectAndConfigureFinishedTarget:(id)self  
 	action :(SEL)@selector (onConnectAndConfigureFinished:)
void removeConnectAndConfigureFinishedTarget:(id)self

ConfigurationUpdate Callback

When connectAndConfigure() has been successfully called, and before connectAndConfigureFinished event is fired. The Payment Device SDK fires configurationUpdate events as it progresses through the configuration process.
Methods to add or remove callback delegate in ChipDnaMobile:

void addConfigurationUpdateListener(  
ConfigurationUpdateListener listener  
void removeConfigurationUpdateListener(  
ConfigurationUpdateListener listener  
void addConfigurationUpdateTarget:(id)self  
 	action :(SEL)@selector (onConfigurationUpdate:)
void removeConfigurationUpdateTarget:(id)self

DeviceUpdate Callback

The Payment Device SDK fires deviceUpdate events to report notification about the PIN pad. Events include connection, disconnection, initialization, reboot events.
Methods to add or remove callback delegate in ChipDnaMobile:

void addDeviceUpdateListener(  
DeviceListener listener  
void removeDeviceUpdateListener(  
DeviceUpdateListener listener  
void addDeviceUpdateTarget:(id)self  
 			    action :(SEL)@selector (onDeviceUpdate:)
void removeDeviceUpdateTarget:(id)self

TmsUpdate Callback

When requestTmsUpdate() has been successfully called, the Payment Device SDK fires a tmsUpdate callback result of the TMS update request.
Methods to add or remove callback delegate in ChipDnaMobile:

void addTmsUpdateListener(
TmsUpdateListener listener

void removeTmsUpdateListener(
TmsUpdateListener listener
void addTmsUpdateTarget:(id)self 
 action :(SEL)@selector (onTmsUpdate:)

void removeTmsUpdateTarget:(id)self